E-media Messages

E-media Messages are given only with the sole intention to aid your information means. We do not guarantee any accuracy of generation, databases, delivery timings etc. while giving this facility. Depending on your location, service provider, medium of communication and delivery, the service may be at times slow or not there at all.



By using this website, it is deemed that you have consented to receive calls, autodialed and/or pre-recorded message calls, SMS, from us or our vendors, at any time, on the telephone number/contact information that has been provided by you even if the contact number you have entered is on DND (Do not Disturb), for the use of this website or our services. We may send inquiry confirmation/intimation, booking confirmation, cancellation, payment confirmation, schedule change or any such other information relevant to the transaction, via SMS or by voice call on the contact number given by the User at the time of registration/reservation. We may also contact you to clarify your inquiry, seek additional details pertaining to it, etc. The use of this website is also your consent to receive SMSs from us and our vendors at any time, as we deem fit. This consent to be contacted is for purposes that include and are not limited to clarification calls and marketing and promotional calls.

You may also be contacted by Service Providers with whom we have entered into a contract in furtherance of our rights, duties and obligations under this document, and all other policies followed by us. The sharing of the information provided by you is governed by the Privacy Policy.

You hereby unconditionally consent that such communications via SMS and/ or voice call are (a) upon your request and authorization, (b) ‘transactional’ and not an ‘unsolicited commercial communication’ as per the guidelines of Telecom Regulation Authority of India (TRAI) and (c) in compliance with the relevant guidelines of TRAI or such other authority in India and abroad.
You hereby agree and undertake to indemnify us against all types of losses and damages incurred by us due to any action taken by TRAI, Access Providers (as per TRAI regulations) or any other authority due to any erroneous complaint raised by you against us with respect to the intimations mentioned above or due to a wrong number or email id being provided by you for any reason whatsoever.